How to cancel a DAZN subscription?
To cancel your DAZN subscription, start by accessing DAZN from a web browser on your computer, mobile, Smart TV, or console.
Monthly Plan - Option A:
- If you directly pay DAZN on a monthly basis and choose to cancel, a 30-day notice period begins.
- During this time, you can continue watching DAZN.
- You will only be charged for the amount of days you have remaining on your final bill. For example, if you cancel on the 15th and your billing date is the 20th, you'll be billed for the five remaining days.
Annual Plan - Option B:
- Cancellation can happen anytime for subscribers on an annual plan or paying through a third party.
- If your annual plan starts on July 1st 2023 and you cancel on July 15th 2023, you retain DAZN access until July 1st 2024 but you won’t pay again on this date.
Ensure your direct debit remains active until after your final bill to prevent any disruptions.